Becky Dillon
2 May 2020Name: Becky Dillon
Job title: Head of Payroll
One line job description: Ensuring all clients can pay their staff one way or another.
Where do you live? Sunny Oldham but on the move soon…
One thing you love about your job: I love that I can be creative and be myself! I love setting new Payrolls up and the challenges it can bring.
What do you like to do in your spare time? More than anything, I enjoy socialising with my family and friends. Bottomless brunches, having a laugh, nice walks, holidays, football, lush restaurants and trying new activities! Also, I’m partial to sitting in hot tubs with a glass of fizz in my hand!
Favourite food: Far too many to choose from! I love a steak, medium rare with peppercorn sauce, most Italian dishes and a nice Lamb Rogan Josh with a mountain of poppadums. Eeeekkk I need to get to the gym!
Drink of choice: White wine or an iced cold pint of beer!
Something people don’t know about you: I’m a qualified life coach and can touch my nose with my tongue!
In another life I’d be a: Invent Facebook then retire….Oh someone has already done that one! I always wanted to be a journalist and have work published, now I struggle to type two words!
Favourite song of all time: Don’t laugh! S Club 7- Bring it all back. I do have music taste honest but the lyrics and the beat I love it!
And a film: I'm not really a film person but it has to be a feel-good upbeat film or tv series that's easy to watch. Selling Sunset, does that count?