Meet the Team: Neil Ormesher
30 Jan 2024In this instalment of Meet the Team, we hand over to our CEO, Neil Ormesher, who answers some of our quick-fire questions. Let’s get into it:
One-line job description: As a CEO, I set the vision of the business and communicate this consistently, ensuring we deliver a WoW service to our clients and enable our people to become the best version of themselves.
Where do you live? Leyland
One thing you love about your job: Helping people reach their full potential.
What do you like to do in your spare time? Cooking, Gym, Family Time
Favourite food: Risotto
Drink of choice: BEER
Something people don’t know about you: I have over 200 cookbooks (I’ve really not got much interesting to say!)
In another life I’d be a: Celebrity Chef
Favourite song of all time: David Morales – Needin U
And a film: Shawshank Redemption
So there you have it, a little insight into Neil O outside of the office, stay tuned for our next Meet the Team!