Rose Nicholson
5 Feb 2021So first off let’s start with a nice icebreaker, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I often spend my entire weekend making YouTube videos. I also enjoy crafting (various paper crafts and miniature models mostly).
What’s your favourite food?
Tonkotsu Ramen, sushi, wakame and edamame! Basically, anything Japanese, but Mediterranean food is a close second.
What’s your drink of choice?
Trip drinks and caffeine-free diet coke. I can never choose just one, can I…
Something people don’t know about you?
I’ve lived in (at least) 18 different houses in the last 18 years.
Favourite song of all time?
Beach Life-in-death by Car Seat Headrest.
And a film?
Titanic…. Or at least that was the case until Dune Part 2 came out.
And lastly, the most important question, would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? And why?
I’m a lover, not a fighter, so I’m going to say I’d rather MEET 100 duck-sized horses because I like anything and everything that’s smaller than it’s supposed to be.