accounting concept. businesswoman working using calculator with money stack in office

Business Plan

You really can achieve your personal and business goals by getting a bulletproof plan in place.

Whatever stage of business you’re at, it makes sense to get all your ducks in a row with a solid business plan.

How we help

Accountants, corporate finance pros, lawyers, and tax specialists all under one roof. What more could you want?

If you’re just formed your company, laying out the foundations with a business plan couldn’t be more important…

If you’re growing your business it’ll help work out where to go next through scenario planning – whether it’s opening a new office or hiring more staff…

Either way, a business needs a plan no matter what stage you’re at, and guess what, we can help.

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Why do I need a plan?

Get a sense of direction for your business so you know what step to take next.

Help make important decisions and prioritise the important stuff

Outline any strengths and weaknesses or potential risks that you can react to before they become a problem

Secure funding from outside investors by proving your  business is a solid investment

Be held accountable along the journey to make sure you’re hitting your targets.

Let's face it, a lot of business owners are quite happy to only see their accountant once year.

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For some, the thought of a quarterly catch-up seems like unnecessary work. However there’s method to our madness. We like to become an extension of our client’s business, holding them accountable, offering advice and helping them achieve their dreams.

We can only do that if we speak to our clients regularly, checking in every quarter to really see what’s going on. The beauty of using Xero and having live data means you can respond to things as they happen. Without quarterly catch-ups, you’re often reacting after the horse has bolted.

Quarterly catch-ups let us do more than your traditional accountant, they let us be a genuine lifeline to your business and not just a necessary evil. It’s something we’re super passionate about, and rest assured, there is another way!

Xero to Hero.

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Yes, it’s fair to say we love Xero. Our MD Stuart Hurst has practically tattooed the logo onto himself. But why Xero? Why not any of the other accounting software out there?

In short, Xero speaks the language of business owners. There’s no industry jargon, it’s easy to use and is specifically aimed at business owners rather than accountants.

So if you haven’t used Xero before, don’t fret. After a bit of training with our onboarding team, you’ll be a master in no time. We pride ourselves in being one of the best Xero Advisors in the country. All of our staff are Xero certified and Stuart Hurst, former Xero MVP now sits on the Xero Advisory Board.

For us, it’s the obvious choice.

What is the Cloud and why does it matter?

The Cloud is the collective name for data servers that keep your data safe and allow you to access your business information anywhere. What that means is you can access your data from any computer, phone or tablet as long as you have a connection to the internet.

So Online Accounting allows you to move your financial data to the Cloud and means you can have 24/7 access to your numbers wherever you are. The difference between Cloud Accounting and traditional software is that the data is stored in the Cloud rather than on one specific computer, which means you are not solely reliant on the main desktop where your information is saved.

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Jonas Kibrick
Very helpful in taking care of everything I need. Even when I'm not the easiest customer Jonas Kibrick
Susie Batista
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Susie Batista

I’ve been with Accounts and Legal for just under a year and it’s true to say they’ve helped my business in a huge way. I was recommended them by my business coach which really says a...

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