Darcie Robinson
28 Dec 2022Job title: Head of Manchester
One line job description: Supporting our team and clients!
Where do you live? Bolton born and bred!
One thing you love about your job: Helping people, both our team and clients and getting to know different people in all different walks of life. I was the first staff member when we opened the Manchester office so I’ve seen it grow dramatically over the last few years. It’s been amazing seeing the number of clients and staff multiply – it’s such a great feeling to be part of something growing.
What do you like to do in your spare time? I’m a pretty busy bee to be fair so I have quite a lot of hobbies. I play netball in a local team every week with my sister which is always a nice way to spend quality time together. I also love to wind down with a book or some yoga, and then at the weekends I tend to spend a lot of time with family, out on walks, going for meals, having a drink, the usual stuff!
Favourite food: I love all Italian food which makes this a tricky one, but my favourite would probably be some sort of seafood pasta I think.
Drink of choice: A large glass of sauvignon blanc please, what a way to end a tough week!
Something people don’t know about you: I played the Piano when I was a child but gave it up because I wanted to play out with my friends. It’s fair to say my Dad was not impressed at the time!
In another life I’d be a: I honestly cannot imagine being anything else other than an accountant, which I suppose means it truly is my calling in life! (No one has paid me to say this, honestly…)
Favourite song of all time: Don’t Speak – No Doubt
And a film: Pulp Fiction, one of those films you can watch again and again and it never seems to get old.